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Bug reporting for better software

Tired of losing track of issues because they're being reported across several channels in Slack or Teams? We've got the ultimate bug reporting tool to streamline the entire process for you and your team.

Used by

Airtime Rewards

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Easy Integration, Everywhere

Do you have a website? A native mobile app? Maybe you've gone with a cross-platform alternative such as Xamarin or React Native. We're creating new official SDKs constantly and integrations with them are unbelievably simple. We'll record actions that your visitors took and give you full reproducability of an issue without wasting time trying to replicate vague reports.

“This software is really good.”

Somebody, AirTime Rewards

Multi-Channel Bug Reporting

You might use a software board to monitor tickets, such as Jira, Trello or maybe you just use Slack or Teams. We have a rapidly growing library of integrations, allowing you to create tickets in your favourite issue tracker or kanban board. No more constant @'s. You can also triage tickets before we send them to your board, if you like.

Intelligent Bug Reporting

If you use BugKit, your users can submit issues to you within your apps and websites. We automatically track their actions and present you with a list of steps to reproduce the issue, along with their device information. No more "it works on my machine".

Reproduce Bugs

We automagically include the steps to reproduce the bug in the ticket without extra work from your visitor.

Triage Reports

You might not want the reports to go directly to your board, so we give you the option to triage them first.

Discover Devices

We don't only give you steps to reproduce, we give you plenty of details about the device and browser used.

Integrations Galore

We have a number of first party integrations with some great board software providers, just click and connect.


We're developer-first, so you can build any integration yourself and list it on our MarketPlace (Q1 2023)

Great UX

We make the process extremely easy and pleasant for your visitors. No clunky UI or stressful interactions here.

Save Time

You can save several hours a week by simply connecting your board and letting us handle the rest.

Connect with Customers

We also enable you to also connect with customers and automatically respond to them when you have attended to a report.